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HomeDonate to the NAR
John Hochheimer

Be “Pay Forward Proud”

Dear Rocketry Enthusiast,

The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) educational organization dedicated to youth education, consumer safety, and the advancement of technology in the hobby of sport rocketry in the United States. Founded in 1957, the NAR is the oldest and largest spacemodeling organization in the world with over 9,000 members and 250 affiliated clubs (known as Sections) across the U.S. The NAR supports all aspects of safe consumer sport rocket flying, from smaller model rockets to very large high-power rockets.

Donations are essential to maintaining and expanding the NAR’s programs. Your donation helps the NAR provide the following:

  • Scholarships to student members of the NAR attending college or vocational schools
  • Teacher grants to support the use of rocketry in the classroom
  • NAR Extracurricular Activity Grants that provide up to ten $500 grants for after-school activities, such as rocket clubs, Scouting, Civil Air Patrol, 4-H, or NAR section programs involving model rocketry
  • Support for educational material development
  • Testing hobby rocket motors to ensure their safety for all consumers

Please help us to support all of these great activities of the NAR by donating today. For example, you can round up your membership dues or send a tax-deductible donation of any amount. We welcome larger donations that can be set up as an endowment to support an annual named scholarship. If you wish to honor someone who was influential to you in your rocketry pursuits, have a lasting scholarship in memory of yourself, or have ideas about some other lasting financial benefits that you might want to fund, contact the NAR president to discuss. We can be the recipients of retirement fund mandatory or discretionary withdrawals that should be tax free to the benefactor.

The NAR is listed as a "Tax-exempt Organization" on the IRS publication 78. If your employer offers charitable donations to IRS certified Tax-exempt Organizations for any reason, such as to encourage employee volunteerism, please consider working with your employer to name the NAR as a recipient.

As you consider estate planning, please think of the NAR as a possible recipient for a portion of your estate. We would be happy to discuss with you potential lasting and meaningful uses for estate donations to our organization. 

Be safe, have fun, pay forward and inspire our future with your own rocketry.

John N. Hochheimer

NAR 74537 L3

NAR President


Make a Donation to the
National Association of Rocketry

NAR Members or Non-members:
Donate Online

Donate to the NAR


Donate via Mail

If you would prefer to make your donation via the mail, please send it to:


NAR Headquarters

PO Box 1058

Marshall VA 20116


Be sure to note in the memo line of the check what the donation is for, i.e.,
scholarships, general fund, etc.


NAR Members:
Donate via Your Member Profile

  1. Simply log into your member account and visit your Member Profile.
  2. Within your Member Profile, click on More Member Options.
  3. Click on Optional Additional Charges.
  4. Choose "Pay It Forward Donation", and your desired amount.
  5. Click the Proceed to Payment button.
  6. Choose what you are paying for, and the Credit Card Payment Method.
  7. Hit the "Submit Payment" button.


Join the NAR

The National Association of Rocketry can get you connected to the cutting edge of the hobby so you can learn how to fly higher, faster, and better. As an NAR member you will receive:

  • Access to launch sites through local NAR clubs
  • High Power Rocketry Certification access
  • An exclusive members only forum.
  • Sport Rocketry magazine
  • Insurance coverage for your flights
Become A Member Today!

National Association
of Rocketry

PO Box 1058

Marshall VA 20116-1058


Phone: 319-373-8910

Become A Member Today!