Welcome to narTcert!
Welcome to the NAR Rocket Teacher Certification Program or ‘narTcert,’ (said in three syllables: nar – T- cert.) This is a program to train teachers to have the skills to build and fly model rockets and the confidence to lead a rocketry lesson in the classroom. A teacher will build and launch a simple model with a NAR member or Section and receive formal recognition to be a ‘model rocket science teacher.’ NAR has been training teachers for decades; this program is a standardization of the learning process to help teachers and rocketeers work together.
Why be in narTcert?
NAR certified teachers are recognized as having been trained by NAR to be knowledgeable and qualified persons to conduct launches, organize rocket programs with hands on STEM lessons for their school, and support ARC (American Rocketry Challenge). Besides being a functional skill, the certification will formally add to the teachers’ professional career development credentials. Teachers can also be granted continuing education units by contacting their local school systems.
Who can apply to narTcert?
NAR will “narTcert” any NAR member who is a professional classroom teacher with or without a science/math background, an educator teaching an after school program, a home school teacher or an informal educator with a youth organization. The applicant would be anyone who will ‘teach or train using model rocketry.’
How do you do the narTcert?
In narTcert you will learn all about model rocketry through our training site. This will tell you how to build and fly a rocket and how to use it in a STEM lesson. You’ll create a lesson plan and send it to NAR. You will make contact with a local NAR member mentor who will watch you launch your rocket. If that’s not possible you can video your launch and send in the clip. After your successful launch you will receive your certification.
You will also need to find a NAR member or Section nearby to help you with any questions. The NAR member can explain a lot about rocketry, NAR and the sport rocketry community. You will need to meet with them sometime for them to watch your flight. Find them at the NAR club list.
What does narTcert cost?
There is no fee for the narTcert, the program is covered in the NAR membership dues. You will need to buy a rocket and launch supplies which may cost $15-$39. Your local NAR Section may provide some assistance with parts and materials.
What will you learn?
- Rocketry technology, building, launching
- Safety and government regulations
- Educational applications
- Rocketry community; sections, clubs and connections
- TARC and similar programs and events
Process summary for a teacher to narTcert
- Teacher goes to the website to get instructions for the certification process.
- Teacher joins NAR, registers for narTcert and receives an incentive gift coupon from NARTS.
- Teacher studies the technical and education material from the website.
- Teacher should use website to find nearest NAR Section or member for mentoring.
- Teacher creates a lesson plan and chooses a rocket.
- Teacher will get a rocket kit and motors. Teacher will build the rocket. Teacher will develop the lesson plan and study for the exam.
- Teacher will connect with a local adult NAR member who will plan to attend and observe the flight.
- Teacher will send their lesson plan to NAR Education to review the lesson.
- NAR Education will verify lesson plan is ready and send the teacher a narTcert flight form as validation and a link to the online exam.
- Teacher will take the exam online and be graded.
- Teacher will make the certification flight attempt demonstrating their lesson.
- NAR member will observe and verify that the flight is acceptable. If that’s not possible a video of the flight is acceptable.
- Completed form is sent to NAR Education.
- NAR records and posts certification of teacher.
Are you Ready?
Register online by going to the narTcert Registration form.
NarTcert is free with your NAR membership, if you are not yet a member you can join here.
Let’s Get Started with the narTcert by clicking here!