Gorge Rocket Club (GRC) #790
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GRC is an officially chartered section (#790) of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) and is operated as a non-profit organization to promote the hobby of rocketry in the Columbia Gorge area. Although membership in the NAR is not required, it will be necessary for participation in NAR sanctioned competitions.Launches
There are two per month, one at Wyeast or Parkdale and then in Goldendale Washington (launches being scheduled from March to June}. We hope to have a few two day events at the Goldendale locationHPR
Most of the rockets launched at this site are from A to E size motors possibly up to G impulse under perfect conditions. An alternate field is utilized at times in Parkdale Oregon. A third site is used for HPR up to M impulse in Goldendale Washington with NOTAMS from 10 to 14 K AGL.Meetings
Meetings are virtual when necessary, or performed by correspondence via e-mail due to current real world events until further notice.