West Virginia Rocketry Association (WVROCK) #749
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The West Virginia Rocketry Association is a group of model rocketry enthusiasts dedicated to the promotion of the sport through education, outreach, and mentorship. Our mission is to engage youth in the sport as a means of increasing their interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and careers. WVROCK leverages partnerships with education, government, and industry partners (Fairmont State University, West Virginia University, Katherine Johnson IV&V Facility, and numerous K-12 schools) to increase our membership, recruit mentors, and support growing participation in the TARC competition in West Virginia.Launches
Launch events, clinics, and competitions will be held monthly (see the Calendar for locations and times). Only club members can launch (but joining is very easy and inexpensive). Please see the calendar for more details. We follow the NAR Rocketry Safety Code for all launches. Unless specified on the calendar, all launches are "low power", meaning that your fully loaded rocket can weigh only 1,500 grams (53 ounces) at liftoff and will not contain more than 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of propellant or 320 N-sec (71.9 pound-seconds) of total impulse. We have an FAA waiver to conduct Level 1 launches (rockets weighing more than 1,500 grams or using H, or I, or hybrid engines) up to 3,000 ft., but check the calendar to see which launch dates are obtaining approval. We have more than one launch site, so please check the calendar for the location.HPR
Designated Level 1 and 2 HPR launches are listed on the club calendar on our website. Always confirm with the RSO at least 1 day before a HPR launch if you plan to use any motor over G. You must present your NAR membership card and level certification and have your rocket inspected by another HPR certified club member before launch.Meetings
Meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the second Monday of each month at the Evansdale Black Bear Burrito restaurant in Morgantown, WV (look for the rocket). We will begin each meeting with a short presentation by a member on a rocketry topic, followed by our general business meeting. Most members enjoy dinner from our host, Black Bear Burrito, and youth are welcome (3119 University Ave., Morgantown, 26505).