
Fly-It/Take-It at NARAM!

The NAR/Estes is pleased to announce that NARAM will include the Family Day Event which will include the Fly-It/Take-It (FITI) program. This is how the rocketry community “pays it forward” and introduces the joy of model rocketry to the next generation of rocket fliers. Use the following link to get additional information regarding Family Day.

What is Fly-It/Take-It (FITI)?

The Fly-It/Take-it event is an activity aimed at people of any age who would like to fly a model rocket for the first time. The NAR/Estes gives participants the opportunity to build & fly a rocket for free, and then keep the rocket! It’s the NAR’s/Estes hope that if you fly a rocket, you will find it a fun and exciting activity, and that you will want to fly more rockets!

How does FITI work?

If you have never flown a model rocket before, or have flown a rocket but are 13 years old or younger, you can fly a rocket for free!  Come to the main Estes tent at the NARAM sport range and you will find a selection of model rockets to choose from at the FITI table. After you select one that appeals to you, you will be provided help with installing a rocket motor, chute wadding and recovery system. You will then go to the sport range and get to fly your rocket! After your flight, you get to keep your rocket! If you want to make additional flights, you can purchase more motors and wadding from one of the vendors at the Sport Range. 

How Long Does FITI Last?

The Fly-It/Take-It table will be operating Saturday, August 3rd from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.. Depending on availability, there may also be options to participate in FITI during the NARAM week as well.

Where do FITI rockets come from?

Fly-It/Take-It rockets are donated by vendors and NAR members. NAR Sections an Estes employees often have club build sessions to make rockets for this event.

What makes a good FITI rocket?

Donated rockets can be any rocket as long as it is new and ready to fly (includes a recovery system.) FITI rockets must be capable of flying on a single, 18mm black powder rocket motor. Complex rocket designs (such as helicopters) are not recommended. Members are encouraged to personalize or customize the rockets they donate to FITI.

How do you donate FITI rockets?

Want to donate rockets? Contact us here. Donated rockets must be completely built!

