Welcome to the National Sport Launch (NSL) 2019

The National Sport Launch is the National Association of Rocketry’s annual sport launch event. NSL hosts hundreds of attendees who come together to launch rockets for fun, it is the pinnacle of sport rocketry.  Micro-Max through M-motor monsters will be on the field. Families with children and serious rocket enthusiasts all share their passion for rocketry. This is the event to attend if you want to fly, fly, fly!

The FAA does control the airspace above our launch site. We have been granted a waiver to fly up to 14,500′ AGL (feet above ground level) for NSL 2019. We can also offer call-in waivers to 19,000 AGL for this event.

NSL-2019 is hosted by the Rocketry Organization of California (ROC). ROC holds a launch the second Saturday of each month on Lucerne Dry Lake. For more information about us please visit: http://rocstock.org.

To learn more, visit the NSL facebook page.

NSL is being held June 7-9, 2019, make your plans to attend.
