


37.38637, -106.09402


    Directions from Alamosa

    1. Drive South on Highway 285 for three miles. Turn Right/West on CO-370 aka County Road 10.
    2. Follow 370 for 10 miles to CO-368. Turn left/south.
    3. Follow 368 for 2 miles to the 12 Road. Turn right/west.
    4. Go one mile to the 9 Road. Turn left/south.
    5. Go one mile to the entry gate.

    If you miss CO-370 in Step A above, keep going south to County Road 12. Turn Right/West. Follow 12 all the way to the 9 Road in step D above. This route has less turns, but more dirt.

    There will be signs at the major turns and as you get closer to the site.
