US Team Selection Scoreboard

This page shows the status of rankings for qualification for participation in the flyoffs for selecting the US Junior and Senior Teams for the 2025 World Spacemodeling Championship (WSMC).

Fliers who wish to establish eligibility to participate in the flyoffs must conduct local “qualification flights” in the event(s) that they are interested in using the appropriate flight card (attached at the bottom of this page) between January 1, 2024 and July 21, 2024.  Procedures are described in Team Bulletin #2, attached below.  These flights must be observed by another NAR member not related to the flier.  They may be conducted at an NAR NRC launch, an FAI-sanctioned World Cup competition, or any other launch.   Flight cards from flights flown locally as part of this qualification process should be scanned and submitted to either Chris Flanigan  (Seniors) or Steve Kristal  (Juniors) by July 22, 2024.

The US 2025 Team Flyoffs/North Coast Cup will be an invitation-only event for S1B, S3A, S4A, S6A and S9A. There are a limited number of slots available in the contest in each event for US flyers. Selection to participate in the flyoff in each of these events will be based on the flight performances recorded to this US Team Scoreboard as follows:

  • Top 10 Seniors and top 10 Juniors in the event
  • Top 3 Senior and Junior females in the event
  • Additional until a total of 30 flyers is reached

Flyers wishing to participate in team selection events for S5B, S5C, S7, S8D, and S8D/P do not need to qualify and may fly those events by either registering for the flyoffs previously or in-person on Friday August 2 between 1800-2100 at the NARAM host hotel.

Flyers at the flyoff will be expected to perform range duty to help support other modelers.

If you have questions, please contact the Flyoff/North Coast Cup Contest Director, Matt Steele at .



