Welcome to the beautiful San Luis Valley and southern Colorado. Our site near Alamosa has a base elevation of over 7,600’ and sits in a wide valley surrounded by mountains. It is about a 20 minute drive from the city of Alamosa to the flying field. The National Sport Launch West 2025 runs Friday-Monday, May 23-26, 2025.
Expected Waiver is 52,000’ AGL.
Safety Enhancements are in effect and a safety briefing is required for all participants. An “OK to Fly” sticker will be applied to your lanyard once you have attended briefing. You may attend the Saturday morning briefing at approximately 7:45 a.m. near LCO, or you may get your briefing from the team under the main tent.
Flights will begin at 8 a.m. daily and continue through 4 p.m Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, closing at 2 p.m. on Monday.
NSL West-2025 is hosted by the San Luis Valley Rocketeers, where our main goal is to pay it forward and expand the hobby through younger generations. Our club hosts a regular launch on the second Saturday of every month during the summer. We also have an extensive youth outreach program, so watch for kids and first-timers at the event. Be friendly and lend a hand if it looks like they need one.