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HomeRC Rocket Glider Safety Code
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Radio Control Rocket Glider Safety Code

The following code is to be used in conjunction with the NAR Model Rocket Safety Code and High Power Rocket Safety Code. In areas where the R/C RBG code overlaps these other codes, the R/C RBG code takes precedence.

  1. Definition 
    A Radio-Controlled (R/C) Rocket Boosted Glider (RBG) is defined as a rocket boosted model capable of gliding flight and equipped with a radio control system capable of controlling the direction of flight during glide and, optionally, boost.

  2. Radio Control
    I will use only approved radio equipment operating on frequencies allocated for use in flying models. I will check the radio and reception range of any new model, repaired model, or any new combination of model and radio system. I will only fly if the radio system is operating properly and there is no interference. I will ensure that a frequency control method is being used at the flying site, then check I am transmitting on an unused frequency.

  3. Flightworthiness
    I will check that the model is in safe and controllable condition for glide as well as in proper trim for rocket boost before each flight. I will not fly in the presence of spectators until I can safely boost, fly, and land models of the type I am flying.

  4. Motor Thrust. My R/C RBG will weight no more than the motor manufacturer's recommended maximum lift-off weight for the motors when used in R/C RBGs.

  5. Launch Angle. An R/C RBG may be launched at angles of 30 to 45 degrees from vertical provided that it is capable of having its flight path controlled safely during rocket boost and provided that the launcher is pointed away from specified spectator areas. Otherwise the R/C RBG may not be launched at an angle exceeding 30 degrees from vertical.
  6. Air-starts. During stable, gliding flight of the R/C RBG, an attached motor may be air-started to increase the model's altitude or airspeed without diving. This is permitted if:
  1. The onboard R/C ignition system is designed to not to be triggered accidentally, possesses an arm/disarm system, and is not armed until the model is on the pad with the radio system turned on and verified.
  2. The proposed airstart was reviewed and approved by the Range Safety Officer (if present) prior to launch.
  3. The model heading is not toward spectators.
  4. The model is at least 100 feet above the launch site.
  5. The pilot gives a loud countdown for the air-start.

If the model descends below the minimum altitude for air-starts or the air-start fails, the model will be landed in a safe area, clear of people, and only the pilot or pilot's appointed helper will be allowed to approach the model until the ignition system has been disarmed.

7. Launch

The pilot will verify the glider's radio system and transmitter are turned on, in the desired configuration, and working prior to signaling the Launch Control Officer (LCO) the model is ready for launch. The LCO will coordinate with the pilot when to launch the model, remaining alert to possible calls from the pilot for the count to be stopped. Pilots may launch their models with their own launch controller if the LCO agrees. In the event of an apparent misfire, the pilot should remain ready to control the model until the ignition system has been disabled.


Revision of January, 1998

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