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HomeModel Rocket Resources
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What is Model Rocketry?

The hobby of model rocketry includes building and flying small, lightweight rockets. 


How to Build a Model Rocket

NAR volunteers have produced How To Build A Model Rocket content and a 45-minute instructional video for rocketeers of all ages on all the steps and techniques involved in building and flying a model rocket. This instructional video has been divided into six short segments of 4-9 minutes in duration and posted online by the NAR's ARC partners, the Aerospace Industries Association, on their YouTube site. The six segments are:

Model rockets are constructed of safe materials—such as cardboard, plastic, and balsa wood—and are fueled by rocket motors manufactured by professional businesses. These rockets may be flown over and over simply by replacing the used motor with a fresh one. They typically contain a parachute, streamer, or other recovery device that allows them to land gently for later reflight. The modeler need never mix, pack, or work with explosives or propellants.

Today, model rocket kits and motors can be purchased in almost every hobby shop and toy store. Kits are designed for all ages and all levels of challenge, from simple starter kits to complicated scale models. Motor power ranges from “1/4A” (the smallest) to “G”—enough power to lift a six-foot model and a hefty payload!


Model rockets must be flown in compliance with the Model Rocket Safety Code.

Photo by Axel R Lukas.

What is the NAR?

How many ways can you have fun with rockets? The NAR is all about having fun and learning more with and about model rockets. We are the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world. Since 1957, over 115,000 serious sport rocket modelers have joined the NAR to take advantage of the fun and excitement of organized rocketry. Listed below are just a few of the benefits of becoming a NAR member:

Read Sport Rocketry Magazine

Sport Rocketry is a bi-monthly magazine jam-packed with building tips, plans, product reviews, technical information, space science features, interviews, and reports on launches and other rocketry activities from all over the country. (Check our our free online Sample Issue.)

Visit NAR Organized Rocket Launches

NAR members and Sections host hundreds of launches each year, both sport launches and competitions. These launches range from the local and regional level to national events. Check out our Find A Launch calendar listing some of the launches coming up in the next few months.


Connect With Local Clubs

Rocketry is more fun when you get together with fellow flyers in a NAR Section near you. Sections participate in building sessions, monthly meetings,  launches, and more! Your sport rocket designing, building, and flying is always more fun when you have rocket flying friends joining you. If you'd like to have a club closer to you, we'll even show you Starting a New Section.

Learn New Rocket Techniques with NARTREK

When you join the NARTREK (National Association of Rocketry Training Rocketeers for Experience and Knowledge) program, you fly increasingly more complex rockets through three levels. As each level is finished, you receive an Achievement Certificate and a jacket patch certifying your accomplishment. You are under no time limit. You progress at your own pace. You can even "try it before you buy it" by downloading the NARTREK Bronze Packet now, and following the instructions on the first page!

Fly Model Rocket Contests

Since 1959, sanctioned NAR model rocket competition has evolved into a proven method for challenging the individual to improve craftsmanship and flying skills. It is an activity that emphasizes patience, skill, and sportsmanship. Any NAR member can participate in NAR sanctioned competition. The U.S. Model Rocket Sporting Code, is the official rulebook for conducting and participating in NAR sanctioned competition. NAR members can design and build model rockets for over 25 different competition events. Official US Records can be set in many of these events. The NAR has an archive of competition rocket plans suitable for many contest events and skill levels.

Your model rocket experience will "lift off" as soon as you become a member of the National Association of Rocketry.


Join the NAR

The National Association of Rocketry can get you connected to the cutting edge of the hobby so you can learn how to fly higher, faster, and better. As an NAR member you will receive:

  • Access to launch sites through local NAR clubs
  • High Power Rocketry Certification access
  • An exclusive members only forum.
  • Sport Rocketry magazine
  • Insurance coverage for your flights
Become A Member Today!

National Association
of Rocketry

PO Box 1058

Marshall VA 20116-1058


Phone: 319-373-8910

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