If you are a member of the National Association of Rocketry, get logged into the website!
It's easy! Just click on the
Member Login tab in the upper right corner of the screen. If you have your username and password, enter them. If not, just enter your email address in the
Forgot My User Name/Password button. A temporary user name and password will be sent to email. You can change both your user name and password once you have logged in.
If you don't remember which email address you used on your account, please email Mayra at nar-hq@nar.org for further assistance.
Once you have logged in, please update your member profile. The Member Profile is where you can change the personal details of your account as well as your membership preferences. Take your time and look around.
To see all of the features of the member profile, take a minute to
watch this Club Express video.
Once you have logged in, notice that the Forum and Member tabs now appear. Feel free to look around and enjoy some of the benefits of being a member of the NAR.