Connect With Local NAR Sections (Clubs)
The NAR is all about having fun with High Power Rockets. We are the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world and our HPR programs cover ALL of the high power activities you may wish to pursue. We recommend you get together with other HPR flyers in a NAR Section near your location. HPR designing, building, and flying experiences are always more fun when you can share these experiences and learn new techniques with fellow local flyers.
Launching High Power Rockets requires more preparation than launching model rockets. Not only is a larger field needed, but FAA clearance must be arranged well in advance of the launch date. There may also be local or state regulatory issues to be addressed before you can fly your first High Power Rocket. This is another good reason to join a NAR Section. Many clubs already have the personnel and experience in making these tedious arrangements, freeing you to concentrate on the actual flying.
Cross Certification
NAR members who are currently Tripoli Rocketry Association HPR certified may cross-certify with NAR at the same level by completing the identification portion of a NAR High Power Application and attaching proof of current Tripoli certification (e.g., photocopy of Tripoli consumer confirmation card) to NAR headquarters with a request that their certification level be updated.
NAR HPR certifications, once earned, are valid whenever NAR membership is current, and are reinstated after membership lapses.
Rocket Science Achievement Awards
What is the Rocket Science Achievement Award?
Rocket Science Achievement Award Form
Rocket Science Achievement Award Member Achievements
HPR Resources