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HomeFlyer and Spectator Info

2025 National Event

National Sport Launch—West
Alamosa, Colorado • Friday-Monday, May 23-26, 2025 • 52,000' Waiver

NARAM 2018-152

Flyer and Spec-Tator Information

The Following Applies to Everyone, Including Spectators.

Everyone is welcome to come out and watch us fly. However, rocketry is an inherently dangerous activity – objects often fall from the sky, sometimes at a very high speed. We have rules and procedures to make this activity as safe for everyone as possible, but bad things can happen. Everyone attending must understand and follow these rules to ensure safety:

  • Before you come to NSL , please read the information on the Launch Site page about the weather and conditions we expect.
  • Bring plenty of water and sunscreen. If you think you’re bringing enough, bring more. If you don’t need it, your neighbor might. Take it easy during rocket recovery, use a buddy system or stay in communication while recovering a rocket.
  • Check in at Registration as soon as you arrive.
  • Pay attention! Every flight is potentially dangerous to you and your family. If the Launch Control Officer (LCO) yells “Heads up!” he means it!
  • Parents please keep your children under control and be sure they understand these rules.
  • Please stay behind the flagged flight line barrier, and please do not set up your chairs, etc. at the barrier or in the safety zone.
  • Spectators are not allowed on the range at any time. Only registered flyers may go onto the range. No badge, no range access.
  • If the LCO announces a flight as a “Heads Up” flight, that means get on your feet and pay attention until the rocket has returned to the ground.
  • Do not attempt to catch any rocket as it lands. Even a small rocket can cause an injury.
  • Do not pick-up or move any rocket that is not yours, unless you have the owner’s permission.
  • Do not drive wheeled vehicles along the flight line. This includes ATVs, bicycles, tricycles, etc.
  • Park your car behind the line marked on the ground, and please do not park in any areas designated for vendors or for launch administration.
  • RVs, tents and motorhomes must set up in designated areas.
  • Please drive 5MPH or less as you approach the launch area, and within the launch area. A vehicle moving any faster can raise a surprising amount of very annoying dust!
  • SLVROC 774 does not allow R/C toys, vehicles, or aircraft, including “drones” at the launch site during operations, period. None, Nyet. Nada. R/C aircraft in the area will result in the range being closed until the situation is corrected. The operator may lose their attendance privileges. This rule applies regardless of size or registration of the aircraft. Drones from approved videographers are permitted with prior permission. Contact the event more than 4 weeks in advance to arrange for accommodation.
  • After rocketry operations have concluded for the day, RC craft may be used in accordance with AMA rules. No R/C aircraft may fly over or near any person, vehicle, or other structure. Any drone activity deemed to be dangerous by the LCO, RCO, or site administrators will result in immediate and permanent loss of all flying privileges. If you wish to bring an RC aircraft, reserve your play until rocketry is done for the day, then fly it West out over the range or East out over the pit, away from everyone and everything.
  • Please use only the provided toilet facilities (portapotties). Please do not throw trash into the portapotties!
  • Please keep control of your trash and carry it off when you leave or toss it in the provided dumpster.

Join the NAR

The National Association of Rocketry can get you connected to the cutting edge of the hobby so you can learn how to fly higher, faster, and better. As an NAR member you will receive:

  • Access to launch sites through local NAR clubs
  • High Power Rocketry Certification access
  • An exclusive members only forum.
  • Sport Rocketry magazine
  • Insurance coverage for your flights
Become A Member Today!

National Association
of Rocketry

PO Box 1058

Marshall VA 20116-1058


Phone: 319-373-8910

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